The EAGLE EYE is among the strongest
in the animal kingdom, with eyesight estimated at 4 to 8 times stronger than
that of the average human. An eagle is said to be able to spot a rabbit 2 miles
(3.2 km) away.
As the eagle descends from the sky to attack its prey, the muscles in the eyes continuously adjust the curvature of
the eyeballs to maintain sharp focus and accurate perception throughout the approach and attack.
In addition to eagles, birds such as hawks, falcons, and robins have extraordinary vision which enable them to gather their prey easily. Their eyes are stated to be larger in size than their brain, by weight.
Colour vision with resolution and clarity are the most prominent features of eagles' eyes, hence sharp-sighted people are sometimes referred to as "eagle-eyed". Eagles can identify five distinctly-coloured squirrels and locate their prey even if hidden.
Source: Wikipedia

As the eagle descends from the sky to attack its prey, the muscles in the eyes continuously adjust the curvature of
the eyeballs to maintain sharp focus and accurate perception throughout the approach and attack.
In addition to eagles, birds such as hawks, falcons, and robins have extraordinary vision which enable them to gather their prey easily. Their eyes are stated to be larger in size than their brain, by weight.
Colour vision with resolution and clarity are the most prominent features of eagles' eyes, hence sharp-sighted people are sometimes referred to as "eagle-eyed". Eagles can identify five distinctly-coloured squirrels and locate their prey even if hidden.
Source: Wikipedia

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